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3 Thermostat Issues That Can Negatively Impact Your Commercial Heating System

by Pamela Hill

It's important to regulate the temperature inside your commercial space. This means having access to a functional heating and cooling system designed for commercial use.

Commercial HVAC systems are made up of many different components that must work together to heat your building efficiently. One of these components is the thermostat.

Learn more about some thermostat issues that might be having a negative effect on the efficiency of your commercial heating system.

1. Improper Positioning

A thermostat must be positioned properly within your commercial space to maximize the efficiency of your heating system. The ideal location for your thermostat is one that is close to an exterior door and protected against direct sunlight.

Renovations and other alterations to your commercial building may have compromised the placement of your thermostat. An HVAC technician can easily relocate the thermostat if you find that your heating system is struggling to meet your needs.

2. Excessive Dirt 

A dirty thermostat isn't able to properly regulate the temperature inside your commercial space. Thermostats rely on a set of contacts to read the ambient air temperature nearby.

If these contacts are allowed to accumulate dust, dirt, and grime over the years, they may not be able to accurately gauge air temperature at all times. This can prevent the thermostat from telling the furnace to generate heat on a regular basis.

An HVAC technician can easily clean or replace dirty thermostat contacts to restore proper heating within your commercial space.

3. Loose Wiring

The thermostat is essentially the brain of your commercial heating system. Changes in ambient air temperature are measured by the thermostat, then compared with the programmed settings.

When the ambient temperature falls below the set temperature, the thermostat will signal the furnace to kick on. Modern thermostats feature multiple wires that help them communicate with all components in a heating system.

Loose wires can prevent important messages from being relayed between the thermostat and your furnace, which will compromise the efficiency of your heating system.

Have your HVAC technician evaluate and tighten any loose wires in your thermostat to ensure your commercial space is heated properly.

Problems with your commercial heating aren't always caused by a malfunctioning furnace.

Thermostat issues have the ability to affect the performance of your heating system, so it's important that you service and maintain your thermostat regularly if you want to maintain a consistent and comfortable temperature inside your commercial space.

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